School for Hong Kong children
School activities
Excellent works
Splendid works
Parent committee
Arts Festival on Children's Da

     On May 31,2017 , the sun is shining at noon and Luohu School for HK Children launched its annual Children's Day event. Under the support and assistance of the school committee and all the parents in the school in pre-rehearsal and with the careful process of selection ,school leaders and music teachers selected 16 outstanding shows to put on the stage. And one of the them was the dacing show from the school committee.Activities are rich and varied and all have a distinct theme.The performance included singing,dancing and instrumental music. The applause was long and loud when the fabulous shows ended.

      The events fully demonstrated the creativity spirit and excellent artist talent of our school's teachers and students. And that was the our great achievement of implementation of quality education. What's more, it also revealed our school 's positive spirit and vigorous atmosphere. We cultivated a positive,civilized and healthy cultural atmosphere for students and with the push of the cohesive forces of the class to promote the health development of the construction of campus culture to a great extent.

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